Das neue Album „Ströme Nr. 2“ erscheint am 2. 9. 2022 auf Compost Records

We are glad to announce our colab with Nick McCarthy.
Check our Youtube and Instagram for new exciting music.
Time has come! We announce “Ströme Nr. 2” will be released on September 2nd ‘22.
Stay tuned.
About Us
being focused.
Ströme kombiniert Musik und Technik auf beeindruckende Weise. In ihrer Performance werden zwei analoge modulare Synthesizer ohne Computer oder Samples zum Zentrum ihrer kreativen Arbeit. Dadurch können die beiden Musiker ihre Songs neu interpretieren und mit Improvisationen und spontanen Kompositionen kombinieren.
Ströme combine music and technology in an impressive way. In their performance, two analogue modular synthesizers become the center of their creative work, without the aid of computers or samples. This allows the two musicians to reinterpret their songs and combine them with improvisations and spontaneous compositions.

Artwork By Samuel Langer
Past Events
Fusion Festival I Lärz
Sisyphos I Berlin
Ritter Butzke I Berlin
Echolon Festival I Bad Aibling
Ikarus Festival I München
House of Vans I London
Mezizim Beach I Tel Aviv
Sea You Festival I Freiburg
Blitz I München
Club Caramel I Valencia
Modular Cafe I Barcerlona
Suicide Circus I Berlin

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